Carbon Monoxide And HVAC Safety In Business

Franklyn Air

carbon monoxide sign

It is well known that carbon monoxide can have fatal consequences if inhaled. It is a gas that is both odourless and colourless, making it invisible to the naked eye. As a business owner, this is most certainly not a risk you want to take. All business premises should have functioning carbon monoxide detectors. While these are highly effective at alarming you to carbon monoxide leaks and therefore preventing injuries and deaths, they will not protect your business from the consequences of exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide. 

There are some misconceptions about what causes carbon monoxide leaks. Air conditioning systems can not cause it as they do not produce carbon monoxide. Heating equipment is where the issues arise from. It is also important to note that your detectors may not detect very small levels of carbon monoxide. Some are programmed to alert you at significant levels of carbon monoxide meaning a slow leak could potentially go undetected for some time. This prolonged exposure could still cause health problems. Preventing a carbon monoxide leak from occurring in the first place is the only real way to safeguard your building and its occupants. Here are some HVAC safety tips to help you do just that:

Yearly furnace maintenance – Your furnace, vents, fireplaces and chimneys should be professionally inspected at least once a year. This will bring any potential issues to light before they lead to carbon monoxide problems. You should consult a reputable HVAC company such as Franklynair for this.  

Vent and flue cleaning – Years of debris and dust can build up and cause your vents and flues to become clogged. This will stop the natural process of deadly gasses filtering out of the building. Using a reliable HVAC company, you should have your vents and flues regularly cleaned to prevent blockages.

Inspections of heat exchangers – A failed, or leaking heat exchanger is a common cause of carbon monoxide leaks. Ensure your annual inspections include all heat exchangers.

Contact Franklynair Ltd for more information on how we can help with the HVAC safety of your business. 
