Demystifying Air Conditioning

Franklyn Air


Welcome to Franklyn Air’s space! Today, we’re diving into popular air conditioning beliefs that may not be as true as they seem. Wondered about the real impact of turning off your AC? Or if fans can truly replace air conditioners? Let’s get to the bottom of these myths! 

Myth 1 Revealed: Air Conditioners Just Cool Air 

Think again! Beyond cooling, air conditioners play a pivotal role in keeping your space’s humidity in check. They ensure a comfortable atmosphere by removing excess moisture, minimising the chances of mould creeping in. 

Myth 2 Unravelled: Leaving the AC On Saves Energy 

Actually, it’s quite the opposite. It’s more energy-savvy to turn off your AC when you’re out and fire it up again upon returning. 

Myth 3 Clarified: Setting the Thermostat Lower Cools Quicker 

The fact is the cooling rate of your AC remains consistent no matter the thermostat setting. Lowering it won’t speed up the cooling but will make your AC work longer, consuming more energy. 

Myth 4 Decoded: ACs Run Fine Without Maintenance 

Consistent check-ups are key! To keep your AC humming efficiently, regular cleaning and filter replacements are a must. 

Myth 5 Demystified: Bigger ACs Are Always Better 

Size does count, but bigger isn’t always the winner. An oversized unit can lead to inconsistent cooling, poor humidity control, and a spike in energy bills. 

Myth 6 Set Straight: ACs Only Deal with Temperature 

Surprise! Apart from temperature, ACs are champions at purifying indoor air by filtering out dust, pollen, and other allergens. Breathe easy knowing your AC’s got your back! 

Myth 7 Explained: Fans are Just as Good as ACs 

While fans are great for a breeze and circulation, they don’t reduce room temperature or tackle humidity. On those blazing hot days, ACs are the real MVPs. 

Myth 8 Busted: ACs Cause the Common Cold 

Not true! While sudden temperature drops can be a shock to the system, remember: colds come from viruses, not your thermostat. 

Myth 9 Exposed: All ACs Are the Same 

Every home is unique, and so are AC units. They come in various sizes, types, and features, giving you ample choices to find the perfect fit. 

Final Myth Shattered: ACs Aren’t Green 

Modern AC technology begs to differ. Contemporary systems are impressively energy-efficient, with features like programmable thermostats and variable-speed fans that keep comfort up and costs down. 

We trust this dive into AC myths has enlightened you a bit more about your cool companion. Knowledge is power, and understanding your AC can lead to smarter usage and longer life. Keep it breezy with Franklyn Air! 

For more information, please contact Franklyn Air. 
