Environmental Policy
Franklynair Limited provides service & maintenance and mechanical – electrical installations for the building services industry and recognises the need to operate in a manner consistent with sound environmental management practices taking full account of the need for the prevention of pollution, and balancing the business aims of the company with the requirement to manage and protect the environment.
In completing the undertaking the company is committed to both legal compliance and the achievement of continual improvements in aspects of its business related to the environment. The company has developed and implemented a documented environmental management system compliant with the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001
It is the policy of the company to:
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements, other duties and responsibilities related to company environmental issues.
- Establish and review environmental objectives and targets for the company activities, products and services.
- Reduce consumption of non-renewable resources where practicable.
- Where practicable minimise waste, compatible with best practices.
- Minimise the effects of dust and traffic movement on stakeholder groups, where practical.
- Ensure that all company employees and relevant supplier and subcontractor personnel are made aware of the environmental objectives and targets of this policy and the contribution expected from them.
- Provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to individuals to ensure that they have the necessary competence to undertake their activities safely and without risk to the environment.
The Franklynair board of directors is responsible for the environmental policy and the maintenance of associated environmental documentation. The environmental policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and partnering contractors and will be reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness, compliance with environmental legislation, and that it reflects changing needs and circumstances that may face the organisation.